It's a Small World After All
I sang in the talent show at the work Christmas party, and, afterwards, a few people came up to offer their thanks and congratulations for a song well sung. One of these people took the opportunity to play the do-you-know-this-person game. This woman was middle aged and full friendliness.
Woman: Limon is your name, right?
Limon: That's right!
W: Are you related to a Mark Limon?
L: No, I'm not. Sorry.
W: Because I went to school with a Mark Limon at Utah State years ago.
L: Yeah, most of my family is from the East.
W: He works at IHC now.
L: Cool. (IHC?)
W: He's doing some really great work with blah blah blah.
L: Wow. That is neat.
Awkward pause.
L: Well,
W: Well. Huh. shrug. Small world!
L: Yeah.
Small world? That two people have the same last name and aren't related? No, ma'am, big world. Very big world.
haha, you are such a sassball!!
That makes me think. There's a guy in my stake named Steve Limmon. Do you know him? Are you related to him? His mom is Liz Limmon Swindle, the Church-famous watercolorist.
They don't spell their last name the same way you do, but it's worth a shot, you know. I mean, it's pronounced the same way. Maybe that branch of the family changed the spelling? Can you shed any light on that?
I have confirmed the existence of Limon in person as I too was attending Limon's recital at work. I have a Lemmon and a Lemon (pronounced Le-Mans) in my ward. Any relation?
I didn't think so.
You sang very well, BTW, and I speak as a certified judge and critic for a cappella singers. (I DO realize you did not sing a cappella, but I think sound [no pun intended] vocal fundamentals are universal. Good job! And thanks...
Oh and you can just imagine-in the other ) wherever you choose.
And please don't anybody use your editor-eyes on my grammar; I forgot, all right!?!
Sheeeeesh. You make one mistake...
LOL, I think I might know that guy, he's related to my mother's best friend's sister in-law. He's doing really great and his work is very important over there at IHC. I know you were interested because you have the same last name...
After you sang a couple of girls from work asked me for your number. Apparently, after hearing you, they want their last names to be Limon, too.
It's all the rage....
LOL You're so funny.
Singer gets all the glory. Why didn't the girls ask for DP's phone number? Cruel, cruel world! The two of you were very nice to look at, though, if I may say so... and I may. Because I'm not at work so I can't get sued for sexual harrassment.
So girls asked for Limon's number. And yet, after my bitter single poetry, no men came and asked me for my number. What lessons am I learning here?
Anyway. Have I ever mentioned that I'm glad that I know you, Limon? Though, in this small world, it was inevitable that we would meet.
Now that Cicada has privately informed me who the other person in your conversation was, it's about a hundred times funnier.
And now I have to go. I'm late for my bimonthly permanent wave appointment. Small world, huh?
So, I've got a question. There's this guy I work with. His last name is Limon, too. His first name is *e**. Sometimes he sounds kind of like you. Sometimes he *looks* kind of like you. (Sometimes he looks and sounds so much like you that I'm surprised when he doesn't turn around and start making fun of me.) And I think you're both from the same area of the country.
So, I was just wondering--you couldn't be related, could you? Nah, that would just be too much of a coincidence. The world's not *that* small.
Wait a minute... I think that I know *e** Limon, TOO, and I think the first thing I noticed were his teeth---they're exactly the same as yours! And the fact that he sexually harrassed me at work the first day he met me (well, it was reciprocal sexual harrassment, really) also reminds me a little of you. Could it be? Could it be?
Also, before my mission, there was a D*n**l Limon who worked for us. He was really small, really annoying (sorry Brozy, but I maintain he was), and nothing like you at ALL! Could it be? Could it be?
It IS a small world after all!
I'm going to go ahead and assume that this small-world lady also has dirty ears, and she thought you said "yes", as in "yes, I do know that Limon."
Only by making that assumption can I continue attempting to communicate with human beings.
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