A Conversation with a Four-year-old

The other day we were at his house doing some recording with the group, and we were talking about how long it would take to finish recording.
Chris: How many minutes until you have to record?
Me: Probably like a million.
Chris: Like a billion?
Me: Probably like a trillion.
Chris: Like a jillion? Like a tillian? Like a willian?
Me: Who's William?
Chris: That's my grandma's name!
Me: She has a weird name.
Chris: Well, it kind of rhymes with her name.
Me: What's her name? (trying to think what woman's name could rhyme with William)
Chris: Debbie.
I then laughed really hard and told one of the other guys in the group. I looked back at Christian and he had his mad face on. He was obviously upset that I was laughing so hard, which means he wasn't joking this time, and clearly did not understand what "rhymes with" means. Don't worry, though, I apologized and tickled him, and it turns out it works as well on four-year-olds as it does on me!