Monday, March 30, 2009

A Conversation with a Four-year-old

Chris is the four-year-old son of the director of my a cappella group. He is also the funniest four-year old I have seen in a long time.

The other day we were at his house doing some recording with the group, and we were talking about how long it would take to finish recording.

Chris: How many minutes until you have to record?

Me: Probably like a million.

Chris: Like a billion?

Me: Probably like a trillion.

Chris: Like a jillion? Like a tillian? Like a willian?

Me: Who's William?

Chris: That's my grandma's name!

Me: She has a weird name.

Chris: Well, it kind of rhymes with her name.

Me: What's her name? (trying to think what woman's name could rhyme with William)

Chris: Debbie.

I then laughed really hard and told one of the other guys in the group. I looked back at Christian and he had his mad face on. He was obviously upset that I was laughing so hard, which means he wasn't joking this time, and clearly did not understand what "rhymes with" means. Don't worry, though, I apologized and tickled him, and it turns out it works as well on four-year-olds as it does on me!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Why the Japanese Are Afraid of Americans

(And Why Americans Are Afraid of the Japanese)

What? WHAT? Where to begin. I don't even know whether to try and come up with theories. Take a look.

Theory #1-Language Video
The fact that the robber speaks in an awkwardly clear way, the subtitles in both languages, and the rhythmic repetition of the English words all point to this theory being the correct one.

Theory #2-Exercise Video
This is another likely option. The women in spandex doing drill team/aerobics moves to a catchy beat reminds me of my gym. And the movie that plays while they are exercising is also very much like my gym. And the way I don't know if I'll ever have the motivation to experience that video again is also kind of like my gym.

Theory #3-Victim and Witness Instruction Video
Take anything you want! Spare me my life! I was robbed by two men! Seems like sound instruction to me.

Theory #4-Japanese Game Show
I can't tell whether that lady won or lost. I'm thinking maybe the man with the bra on his head won. He did end up with a purse.

Theory #5-An Episode of America's Best Dance Crew
They had the moves, but where was that guy from N Sync?

That's all I got. Anyone have any better ideas? And who is P-Low the Skillful Abbot?