The Rosie-Roo Challenge
At the hardest part of my mission, I was sent an angel to save me from my sadness. He came in the form of a 300-pound, bespectacled band geek with a name that he swears is pretty in Swedish. His last name was Rosenlof, which apparently means "rose leaf." His name was particularly easy to lampoon, especially given his being large in stature and his meticulous, molasses way of doing things. After going through the normal nicknames that he had heard throughout his life, he told me that it had all been done. I took that challenge and spent the last year of my mission on special assignment: make up ridiculous nicknames for Elder Rosenlof.
The unoriginals:
- Rosensloth
- Slowsensloth
- Rosenloaf
- Raisinloaf
The first time I made him laugh, while we walked in the scary area below the I-10:
- Oh, Elder Wovencloth.
When we caught him in a lie:
- Elder Mentirosenlof ("liar" in Spanish: mentiroso)
What caused him to say, "Oh no! That might catch on!":
- Elder Clovenhoof
When we realized he might have a heart attack after eating two helpings at Rocio's house:
- Elder Closinoff, first name, Arteries
What I would have called him if he had ever stepped in chicken noodle soup:
- Elder Toesinbroth
What I would have called him had he had a fight with some Catholic priests:
- Elder Foesincloth
What I would have called him had he ever tried to use the discount clothing store as his personal storage area:
- Elder StowsinRoss
I extend the challenge to all of you to help poor Rosie by coming up with some more original nicknames for him!
Hey, Rosie-Roo! I miss you!